Oasis Health Programs

Conquer the barriers between you and a healthy lifestyle

Being active, eating right and staying connected to others are keys to lifelong health and vitality. Yet most of us put other things first.
What’s holding you back? Health concerns? Not enough time, energy or motivation? Maybe you’re just not sure where to start. Oasis evidence-based health programs are proven to help people like you make lasting healthy changes in your life.

View Exercise Programs

All good exercise programs should include endurance training, strength building, balance training along with flexibility and stretching. Find an exercise class that is right for you.

View Self-Management Programs

Approximately 80% of older adults have at least one chronic disease like diabetes or chronic pain, and roughly 70% have at least two chronic diseases. Learn techniques to increase your confidence and become a good self-manager.

View Falls Prevention Programs

Per the Center for Disease Control, an older American falls every second with falls being the leading cause of injury in adults aged 65 and older. Even if you have not experienced a fall yourself, learning of someone else’s traumatic fall experience can increase your fear of falling resulting in a decline in your own quality of life. Find out how you can decrease your fear of falling and therefore your risk of falling

View Health Programs

Oasis offers health classes on a wide variety of topics to help increase your knowledge and skills to improve your overall health. Find programs that spark interest and action toward wellness and prevention.

View Social Connectedness Programs

Feeling socially connected, especially in an increasingly isolated world, is more important than ever. Social connections shape your everyday life and well-being. Learn more about Oasis discussion and social groups near you.

View Caregiving Programs

Over 65 million Americans provide caregiving services to family members or friends per the National Alliance for Caregiving in collaboration with AARP. The need for caregivers will dramatically increase as the number of older Americans increases while the number of available caregivers decreases. Find helpful resources for caregivers and to learn more about Oasis’s role in building a national corps of volunteers to provide caregiving services.

Learn about Oasis Health Innovation and Pilot Projects

Oasis in an innovator in healthy aging and continuously seeks to partner, develop, and pilot new and innovative programs. Learn more about BrainSavers® and other new innovative projects.

Learn about Oasis Health Research Projects

Oasis strives to develop, deliver, evaluate and disseminate health programs. One way Oasis does this is by being involved in research projects. Read more about past and current research projects Oasis is involved in.